Bungles in the Wet 9-20 Feb


Bungles in the Wet

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  • The only ground tour anyone offers that takes you to the Bungle Bungles in the wet season.
  • The only time of year you have a chance of seeing Piccaninny creek and the waterfalls flowing
We have the Bungle Bungles all to ourselves. Our walk begins with a helicopter ride to Piccaninny carpark. Then we are on foot. Our exact route will be determined by the amount of rain we get. We will have plenty of time to explore Piccaninny Gorge and its many tributary gorges. A substantial part of the walking will be done with day packs rather than full packs.
Feb 16 - 1 Mar  2025
The tributary gorges offer a variety of delights, each one being markedly different from the previous one — some are palm filled, some are very narrow and require swimming, some have caves which require the use of a torch. No words can do justice to the beauty of the area. The only way to appreciate it is to come and see it for yourself.
The Piccaninny catchment is very small. Water levels can rise and fall incredibly quickly. It is dramatic and beautiful to observe while also require care and consideration. We know where it is safe to camp and where we can get out of the way if we are hit by a flash flood. (The Piccaninny catchment is small enough so we always get enough warning to move if the creek is going to rise.
In some years, the floral displays are spectacular. In others, they are much less so but there will always be something in bloom. There is plenty of time on a trip like this to pay attention to the smaller details within the landscape.
Rain is very likely at this time of year. It is very important that you pack well enough so that you can keep most things in your pack dry, even if you have to pack a wet tent or other wet items. A pack liner is essential at this time of year. Be prepared to float your pack. This may or may not be necessary but it is essential to be prepared.


Feb 16 - Mar 1
Full price: A$7995
Discounts available
4 - 12 guests
Mix of flat rock ledges, sandy beaches (if not flooded) and grassy ground. Due to the possibility of flash flooding, our campsites on this trip will be chosen with safety rather than comfort as the first consideration. Even so, there may be some nights where you need to be prepared to pack up and move if the water rises above normal flood levels.
We have only found a few small art sites in this area.
This is the best time to see he local waterfalls, many of which flow only during the Wet. There will be a chance for several swims per day. Almost all of these will be in pools we have all to ourselves.
Birds are always present but spread out at this time of year. You are unlikely to see many large animals, but, in 2008 guide Russell Willis saw more water monitors than he’d seen on all the trips he’d done in the previous three years combined. Sadly, the arrival of cane toads has resulted in a decrease in the number of monitors.
It will be hot and it will be humid.  The average daily maximum is 36ºC. There is a good chance the temperature could reach 40ºC . The average minimum is 24ºC.Rain is very likely but not certain. On average it rains every third day, mostly in short, sharp bursts. Averages can, however, be misleading. Occasionally, it might rain for days at a time. (This makes it somewhat harder to walk but it also makes the waterfalls more spectacular and keeps it relatively cool.) Occasionally, it might not rain at all over the course of the full two weeks.
This makes it substantially hotter than normal. We cannot predict how wet it will be but we can be sure that there will be places to swim along the way.
This is a fuel stove only area. As we arrive by helicopter we need to take shellite rather than gas canisters.


The long walk up the Piccaninny Gorge, mainly over pebbles and sand can be quite tiring for many people. Going beyond our first base camp, done with full packs on many trips, requires some clambering over large rocks and includes edging along at least one narrow ledge.
Most of the day walks involve clambering over large rocks. Some include steep climbs and pushing through thick spinifex. Some people find this very difficult, even without full packs. Although this difficulty is often more psychological than physical, it can be very real. If you don't wish to do the rock scrambling, you need to be prepared to relax and enjoy their surroundings while the others continue..


Much of the walking is through relatively flat, open woodland with a grassy understorey.


4-6 hours per day. Some of the day walks without large packs are longer

Pack Weight

You need to carry food for 11 days. Many days we will be exploring with day packs. 

Booking Information Enquire Now

Unless you have walked in the wet season before, please do not book this trip until you have read our Wet Season page
This links to two additional pages, just as important if you are to enjoy the trip.

Download detailed trip notes

Feb 18 - Mar 2



  • DAY 0

    Fly to Kununurra. There are daily air and bus services between Kununurra and Perth and Darwin. Connections to the eastern states are normally made through Darwin.

    Pre-trip meeting for everyone doing the Bungles section, 6:00 p.m., outdoor area, Kimberley Croc Lodge/Motel. This meeting is important. If you cannot make the meeting, please advise us well in advance.

  • DAY 1

    Pick up between 6.30 and 7 a.m. Pick up is from your accommodation in Kununurra provided you have given us the address at least a week before departure or have made other arrangements at the pre-trip meeting. If you are unable to notify us where you are staying, the pick up is from in front of the Kununurra Visitors Centre. Fly to the Bungles. Start walk carrying full packs. Bush camp.

  • DAY 2-13

    Bush camping. Carrying full packs some days, day packs at other times, exploring gorges. Collect food drop on day 7 or 8.

  • DAY 14

    Return to Kununurra. Drop off at your accomodation..

*This itinerary is subject to change
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