Baroalba - Hill 420 Circle



  • Spectacular views. One of the most rugged landscapes in Kakadu and the highest point on the Arnhem Escarpment.
  • Beautiful campsites. There are so many wonderful campsites that it's hard to pick a favourite.
  • Archaeologically important. An incredible wealth of Aboriginal art sites spanning the ages.
Our walk begins near Burrunkuy (Nourlangie Rock) in north central Kakadu. We spend the first week exploring Baroalba Creek and the Brockman massif, often with day packs.

We then drop down to the plains and walk across to the base of 'Hill 420' the, highest point on the Arnhem Escarpment. After a climb to the top, we return to the plains and return to the start via a different route.
March 1-14 2025
Baroalba Ranbow
Our trek begins with an easy three kilometre hike along an old four wheel drive track to Gubara (Baroalba Springs) From here, we leave all tracks behind.

Our first campsite is usually only about three kilometres from Gubara Pools. If we arrive early, there are plenty of places for the energetic to climb up for an afternoon view.

The first part of the next day is moderately difficult. We cross and recross the creek, our exact route determined by the water levels at the time. The lovely chute waterfall shown in the photo below is always worth a stop. When water levels are very low, we can go up next to the falls. If they are a bit higher, there is an easy, but slightly longer, way around.
Once above the chute, the ground levels out and the walking becomes somewhat easier. We stop to visit art sites, photograph the flowers, climb up for views and relax by pools for swims as we work our way up to our second camp.

Now comes the easiest part of the trip. We camp here for two or even three nights, exploring the basin above with day packs. Here we find an incredible concentration of art sites as well as quarries containing the remains of discarded stone tools that didn't make the grade.

Much of the area is very flat. Sometimes it is very wet, sometimes it is relatively dry — relatively. This is still the wet season so water is everywhere.

Sometimes we walk on flat rock ledges and sometimes we do some fairly steep climbs. The views are magnificent.
Finally, it is time for us to leave the Brockman massif. We continue upstream along the creek, then veer off to a relatively easy pass for the descent to the plains below.

Once down, we hike across the valley separating the Brockman massif from the Arnhem Escarpment. At this time of year, we have our choice of numerous campsites. By the end of the dry season, all the water will have disappeared.

From the central valley, we continue east into another valley where we camp at the bottom of the creek which comes off Hill 420. There are several small waterfalls here, making it one of the most scenic campsites we have.
Hill 420 got it's name from the first good topo map which showed a 420 metre contour on the top.

As we trek up the creek, sometimes the going is very easy, sometimes it's distinctly more difficult. In many places we can drop our packs and climb up for a view.

Water is everywhere. Most of it will disappear before the end of the dry season.

Once back down in the valley, we hike along below the escarpment for a bit before crossing over to the edge of the Brockman massif. Our final camp is in a flat area where a small creek flows into the plains, one more spot that will be dry later in the year.

We finish with a hike up and over a small pass and back down to join the track where we began.


March 1-14
Full price: A$4195
Discounts available
4 - 12 guests
Mix of sand and rock ledges. Most sites are good to excellent but we have to avoid some of our dry season campsites which could get flooded. You are unlikely to see anyone else anywhere along the route.
We visit a variety of art sites
This is the best time to enjoy the many wonderful  pools and waterfalls as they begin to dry out soon after the wet season ends.
Birds are always present but spread out at this time of year. You are unlikely to see many large animals. The Yellow Waters cruise is excellent for birds, many of which you are unlikely to see on the walk. It also gives you a good chance to see large estaurine crocodiles.
It will be hot (although not as hot as you might think) and it will be humid.  The average daily maximum is 33-34ºC (91-94ºF). If we get a spell of relatively dry weather, the temperature could reach 38ºC (100ºF). The average minimum is 24ºC (75ºF). Sleeping bags are not needed. Rain is almost certain. On average it will rain two days out of three, mostly in short, sharp bursts. Averages can, however, be misleading. Occasionally, it might rain for days at a time
We plan to have a cooking fire every night and hot water available every morning.

While most of the terrain is fairly flat, there are a few steep climbs, none of which is over 350 m. As short as they are, these climbs are strenuous. Some may require using your hands to hold on as you climb up or down. None are technically difficult. None require ropes or other special equipment. 


Most of the walking is through relatively flat, open woodland with a grassy understorey. There are a few patches of monsoon vine forest.


4-6 hours per day 

Pack Weight

You need to carry 14 days food.

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March 1-14



  • DAY 0

    Pre-trip meeting, 6.30 p.m., Pool Side Bar & Restaurant, Hilton Gardens, 122 The Esplanade. This meeting is important. If you cannot make the meeting, please advise us well in advance.

  • DAY 1

    7 to 8 a.m. pick up. Pick up is as arranged at the pre-trip meeting. Drive to Kakadu. 

    There will be a stop along the way to buy cool drinks, etc.

    Begin the walk, bush camp carrying full packs.

  • DAY 2-12

    Bush camps, carrying full packs most days. There sghould be at least two  two-night camps. 

  • DAY 13

    Return to vehicles drive to Cooinda. Afternoon cruise. Late afternoon cruise. Overnight at Cooinda.

  • DAY 14

    Early morning Yellow Waters Cruise. Return to Darwin. Drop off at your accommodation, late afternoon.

*This itinerary is subject to change
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